Commercial Tile Murals

See install photos below!  We do more than just residential kitchens and bathrooms!  Our tile murals are featured in places of business all over the world.  Let us help you plan and create a tile mural for your commercial project.

With our tiles, you can create unique indoor and outdoor signage using your business name and/or logo.  Make your patrons feel at home by installing tile murals depicting local art or photography.  Use old photos of your business to create tile murals showing it’s progression through time.  Recognize outstanding donors or employees by having their name become a permanent fixture in your establishment.  These are just a few of the possibilities that exist with our tiles.

Using a tile mural in your place of business can give the space a very unique and custom look for your patrons and employees to enjoy.  Contact us today with your commercial tile mural project details!

Below are just some of the featured Commercial Tile Murals we have completed.